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The Importance of Treating Toe Pain

The Importance of Treating Toe Pain

Toe pain is any uncomfortable sensation in the toes. It may range from irritating to debilitating, it can be sudden pain or gradual, last briefly or remain constant. Most cases of toe pain can be treated with over-the-counter products and medications, however some may...

What is Foot Bursitis?

What is Foot Bursitis?

A bursa is a small sac filled with fluid that is found near tendons, ligaments and muscles within the foot. It acts as a cushion to help protect the foot structure. Bursitis is the inflammation and swelling of the fluid-filled sac and with pressure and movement it...

5 Benefits of Dry Needling Feet

5 Benefits of Dry Needling Feet

Dry needling is a common technique performed to treat pressure points within the feet. Fine needles are inserted into knots to relax the muscle and reduce the tension and associated pain. It is to release trigger points, assist with pain management and restore...

Broken Toe: Symptoms & Treatment

Broken Toe: Symptoms & Treatment

A broken toe is a common, usually non-serious injury however that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t seek professional advice. If a broken toe is left untreated, it can affect your ability to walk.  Some of the most common causes of broken toes are overuse, stubbing or...

Top Tips to Prevent & Treat Blisters

Top Tips to Prevent & Treat Blisters

Blisters are a painful yet common condition that can affect your walking and daily activities. However, thinking ahead can help to prevent blisters and ensure that if you do happen to suffer from them, you can promptly and effectively treat them.  Image: Source...

What is Cuboid Syndrome & How is it Treated?

What is Cuboid Syndrome & How is it Treated?

Cuboid syndrome is a condition where the cuboid bone becomes misaligned. It is also referred to as subluxation of the mid-tarsal joint. This is often a result of an injury to the joint or ligaments surrounding the small tarsal bone and can be difficult to diagnose....

412 Moreland Road
Brunswick West VIC 3055
Phone: 9383 6633
Fax: 9383 6640

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Monday: 9am to 5pm
Tuesday: 9am to 7pm
Wednesday: 9am to 7pm
Thursday: 9am to 7pm
Friday: 8am to 5pm
Saturday: 9am to 1pm
Sunday: Closed