The peroneal tendons are located in the foot which connect your lower leg to the side of your foot. It provides stability to the ankle when weight bearing and also protects it from sprains.
Peroneal tendonitis is the term for the enlargement, thickening and swelling of these tendons. It is usually due to overuse but it can also be the result of a sudden foot injury.

What Causes Peroneal Tendonitis?
This injury can develop over time or can occur suddenly. It is most commonly seen in people who play sports that require a lot of ankle movements.
Here are some factors that can cause Peroneal Tendonitis.
- Overuse
- Sudden increase in exercise
- Incorrect training techniques
- Ill-fitting footwear
- High foot arches
- Imbalanced muscles
- Reoccurring ankle injuries
Symptoms of Peroneal Tendonitis
Peroneal Tendonitis can be identified by a range of symptoms including ankle pain along the tendon, pain that worsens with movement, swelling, redness, thickened tendons, pain when turning the foot in or out and instability of the ankle when bearing weight.
Although these symptoms can indicate a range of injuries, it is important to seek the advice of a Podiatrist if you experience any of these symptoms.
How is it treated?
Prompt treatment usually helps to relieve the pain and inflammation in three to four weeks. Common treatments for peroneal tendonitis include:
- Rest
- Restricted training regime
- Exercise Therapy
- Shockwave Therapy
- Low Level Laser Therapy
- Wear an ankle brace for support
- Medication to reduce pain and inflammation.
- Dry Needling
- Steroid injections
- Ice or heat
A Podiatrist will only suggest surgery as a last resort to repair the tendon, however this is rare.

How Can You Prevent Peroneal Tendonitis?
Peroneal Tendonitis, like a lot of injuries, can be prevented by making some minor changes to your lifestyle. These include;
- Gradually increasing exercise
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Stop if you feel foot or ankle pain
- Rest between workouts
- Wearing well fitted footwear
- Stretch before and after exercise.
Moreland Podiatry
Constant foot pain can be debilitating and impact your day-to-day life. That’s why it’s important to seek professional advice as soon as you can to identify the issue and treat the injury promptly.
If you have any concerns about your foot health, feel free to contact the friendly staff at Moreland Podiatry or make an appointment online today.
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