The foot is the foundation of the entire body and any irregularities or imbalances can trigger referred pain throughout the kinetic chain. This means knee, hip and lower back pain can occur due to poor foot posture and poor foot mechanics.

Podiatrists are trained to work with you to diagnose, treat and manage a wide range of possible sources of the pain you are experiencing and there are many foot issues that can contribute to it.

Causes that Contribute to Hip, Knee and Lower Back Pain

Your feet require muscle, connective tissue and tendons to work seamlessly in order to support your body correctly. Stiff muscles and joints or other irregularities in the feet limit their movement and can cause gait and balance issues that contribute to misalignment and pain.

Some of the most common foot problems that can contribute to this pain include:

  • Flat Feet where  both  feet over pronate (turn inward)
  • High Arches where both feet roll out (turn outward) can make you prone to injury, especially if you run with footwear that is not suited for your feet
  • Plantar Fasciitis is an overuse injury due to excessive strain on the arch l
  • Over Pronation where the arch of the foot constantly stretches causing the ankle, knee and hip rotate inward more than necessary compromising the  alignment of the body

These foot problems can lead to an irregular gait that puts additional strain on the muscles, bones, and tendons.

Other causes that can contribute to knee, hip and lower back pain include biomechanical irregularities, hypermobile feet, osteoarthritis, misaligned kneecap, previous injuries and weak thigh muscles among others.

How to Correct Lower Body Pain

Seeking a Podiatrists advice is essential in getting to the core of the issue. By analysing your gait, your posture, your history, previous injuries or any habits, your Podiatrist can determine how your muscles are compensating to keep your body mobile. By correcting any poor foot posture, you can prevent the abnormal movement that is creating the inflammation and pain in your hips, knees and lower legs.

Moreland Podiatry

Podiatrists are trained to recognise if your knee, hip and lower back pain is related to your foot biomechanics. If you have persistent knee, hip and lower back pain, feel free to make an appointment with Moreland Podiatry today to discuss what we can do to help you.