Running is a great form of exercise. It is easily accessible, can be done anywhere at any time and doesn’t cost a cent. However, running does come with the risk of injury if you’re not a seasoned runner.

Running injuries are often due to overuse, overtraining, improper shoes or a biomechanical flaw in body structure or your running style.

There are simple guidelines like warming up, wearing the right running shoes and slowly increasing your running, that can prevent most injuries. So, what are the most common running injuries?

Common Running Injuries

Common injuries can vary from minor to chronic, yet all require the runner to adjust either their routine or their technique. These include;

  • Plantar Fasciitis 
  • Achilles Tendonitis 
  • Shin pain and inflammation in the muscles and tendons
  • Soft tissue injuries such as a strains or sprains
  • Blisters from ill-fitted shoes
  • Chronic Compartment Syndrome
  • Iliotibial Band Syndrome 

What Increases Your Risk of Injury?

Some of the factors that can increase your risk of injury while running or jogging include:

  • Excessive training – running beyond your capabilities can put muscles, tendons and ligaments under strain
  • Incorrect technique or poor running style
  • Incorrect footwear and choosing the wrong shoe type for your foot
  • Hard surfaces such as bitumen, can cause shin pain and stress fractures
  • Tight, inflexible muscles affect your gait as your muscles try to accommodate/compensate
  • Muscular imbalances caused by focusing on certain muscle groups and ignoring others
  • Improper foot orientation such as feet pointed out can trigger ankle or knee issues
  • Poor Posture should be addressed to avoid any strain on other muscles.

How to prevent injuries

Most running injuries are preventable with some simple but essentials steps. Ensure you warm up and cool down before and after running, stretch after each run, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and gradually increase distance and intensity over a few months. It is also important to stop running if you feel pain and have your feet assessed by a Podiatrist prior to purchasing new running shoes. These tips will help avoid injury and keep your running on track.

Moreland Podiatry

If you’ve recently taken up running and want more advice on how to prevent injuries, ensuring that you have a strong running style and have the right running shoes for your feet, contact Moreland Podiatry on (03) 9383 6633 or make an appointment online.